Fire & Public Safety

To contact Fire Chief Gary Fordham call 616-681-9874 ext. 107
The Fire Department has a ISO rating of 4/10


Burn Notifications:

Please use the link below for the Burn Notification Application. Please read the Fire Ordinance Notification before submitting the application.

Fire Ordinance & Burn Notification Application 


DIAL 9-1-1 for all emergencies

Dorr Township, along with Leighton Township, provide police services by a formal agreement with the Allegan County Sheriff Department.  Currently, we share the cost of 2 officers to serve our municipalities.

DIAL 9-1-1 for all emergencies

Dorr Township is a part of the Wayland Area Ambulance Service which is made up of the communities of Dorr Township, Hopkins Township, Martin Township, Leighton Township, Monterey Township, Orangeville Township, Watson Township, Wayland Township and Wayland City.

Visit Wayland Area Emergency Medical Services Website at

We appreciate this partnership which provides excellent emergency service to our township and a large portion of the surrounding area.